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Best Practice

We think that an inspiring campus culture at any educational institution, especially for faculty and students, can play a big role in the academic achievement and reputation of the institution. Seeing this as a good energy, the Department of Commerce started implementing student-centric, interconnected best practices including Stretching Hands,  Talent Hub, and  Cognitive Enhancement i.e. awarding students for academic performance.

A brief description of All these practicesineach academic yearisbelow

Best Practice - I

Title of the Practice:TalentHub Starts from  the academic year 2020-21

“All things are attainable with ordinary talent and extra ordinary perseverance “

Apart from education nowadays students should also practice extracurricular bentofmind  to facethemulti-taskedchallengesintheircareers

 Objectives of the Practice:

There are numerous types of hidden talents among the students.Butnoteveryoneisgiventhechancetodiscoveranddeveloptheirskill.

So the objective of the practice is         to             identify and          fine-tune     the      hidden            talents    of    the    students

so they can become a talent hub to meet their future challenges from an educational and culturalperspectiveon acommon platform.


ThePractice: Every studentis unique and hasspecialpotential by virtue. Butdue tosome inhibition ( hang up) they could not identify or ignore by self. In light of this, theDepartment of Commerce encourages students to discover their hidden abilities toenhancetheiroverallpersonalities.OnesuchinitiativelaunchedbytheDepartmentofCommerceastheirBestpracticeis calledTaptheTalent.

The entire programme isdesigned and organizedby pooling up the students based on theirtalents and they will be assembled every week for two hours to hone their skills and theirtalents under the guidance and mentorship of various forums including the Entrepreneur Development cell, Commerce Lab, Consumerclub, etc., The department uses the following techniques to identify and nurture students'skills.

  The Entrepreneur Development Cell of the Department established in 2017-2018 academicyear grabs the proactive entrepreneurial abilities of the students and streamlines the activityprograms for further development of their entrepreneurship abilities.The cell arranges theprogrammessuchas

Businessquiz–WherethestudentsareexposedtoLogos&punchlinesBrandambassadors, Company CEO andAD making of various products, and services ofdifferentcompanies.

Business plans -Improve the forecasting abilities for the products  kill orientation in film making helpful for creative enterprises and Preparation and sale of Handy crafts  Best from waste,

EventManagement: Encourage students to plan and organize  a variety of activities, both academic and cultural.

Group Discussions:  To assess the overall personality – thoughts, feelings and behaviour - of a studentsin a group.


In the coming years, the Department planstoarrange workshops on Hand made articles, and provide some self-employed pieces of training to the students tostrengthenthis CELL.

  • TheCommerceLabisestablishedin the 2021-22academicyearasapartofbestpracticetogive an orientation in filling Bank challan, Group discussions, Awareness programs on banking,finance, and insurance sectors, Preparation of live commerce models and charts by students whichareexhibited forthecreationofexposureoftheotherstudents.

  • The ConsumerClubis established as a best practiceto create awareness regarding consumerrightsanddutiesbyconductingfieldsurveys, guestlectures,fieldvisits, etc


Evidence of Success: The purpose of the concept of  TALENT HUBis well served. Thestudents were exposed to various topics related to banking, finance, insurance etc,they are also participating in various competitions held at the department level which helps themovercometheir fearofparticipationand buildtheirconfidence.Thisin turnmadestudentsparticipate in competitionsat our collegelevel and inter-collegecompetitionsand win prizeswhichmotivatesthema lotfortheircareerbuilding.

Problems Encounteredand ResourcesRequired: The problems faced over here are likethe students resist to participate in competitions out of their fear. However all the class counselorsidentifytheskillsoftheirstudentsandmotivatethemtoparticipateinthecompetitions.Inorderto have transparency in the usageof funds the student members themselves maintain the fund of the commerceclubunderthe guidanceof the charge of the commerce club.


  1. Title of the Practice: STRETCHING HANDS



  • Goals:To provide financial assistance to a selected group of economically deprived students who are not eligible for government-sponsored programmes for various reasons, with the help of self-encouraging faculty members and like-minded individuals, to help them excel in their well-deserved courses.

  • .Context:Even if the government is taking careful measures to assist economically deprived children in their education, certain people are nevertheless overlooked for particular reasons. In this instance, the Department of Commerce implements the programme.

  • The Practice: Generally, the majority of students who opt for GovernmentInstitutions for their education are Economically and socially marginalizedpeople. Insuch cases, most of their families are illiterate and are engagedin daily labour work. So their economic needs are insufficient to supporttheirKid’sEducation.ToovercometheseproblemsGovernmentintroduced various educational schemes such as welfare measures for thebenefit of these sections. Yet some portion of students are unable to availof these benefits dueto thefollowingreasons

    1. SpotAdmission

    2. Non-LocalStudents

    3. Errors in the personal documents of students which are requiredforgettingbenefits fromgovtschemes.


The real practice of the scheme begins with the Identification of thosestudentsinneedoffinancialassistancebytheconcernedclasscounselors Then the class counselors present the financial need of thestudentbeforetheDepartment. Then after careful analysis of such students, the department providesfinancialassistance.

Evidence of Success: Students who could not afford to continue their education owing tofinancialrestrictionshavebenefitedfromthispractice.Sincetheimplementationofthisprogramme, the dropout rate for these students has decreased, and this practice has so farbenefitedseveralpupils.

ProblemsEncounteredandResourcesRequired:Mobilisationoffundswasthebiggest challenge when the beneficiaries were very high. However, all thestaffmembersare verycooperativeand concernedaboutthisoutreachprogramme




Name of the Practice: “Cognitive Enhancement”from2022-23


Cognitive Enhancement Awards to students: The Department of Commerce starts anotherbestpracticefrom the Academicyear2023-24I,e, Cognitive Enhancementawardstothestudents

Objectives of the Practice: The main, motto behind this practice is to have motivation forachieving  Cognitive enhancement in academics. This makes the students acquire in-depth knowledge of thesubjectwhichhelpsthemingrabbingjobsaccordingtotheirvisionandpracticingthehabitofself-discipline which is key to their success in the future. The main objective of thepracticeistocreateanatmosphereofhealthycompetitionamongstudents.Hard-workingandconsistent students in various spheres- overall development, academics or sports, tend to turn out intoleading performers. These students need to be recognized for their performance, not only by theirteachers and peers, but also on a wider platform- the complete College. Such appreciation leads to therealization of the importance of hard work, not only among the awardees but also among the otherstudents.Appreciationandincentivearethusthetwokeystonesofthispracticeinculcatingthevalueofdiligence


ThePractice:Itisexclusivelypracticedbythefacultyof the DepartmentofCommerce Sri R.S. Murthy  and  Smt. G. Karuna Sri forIIB.ComC.A& Generalstudents who got cent percent and above  90% in Business Statistics in the present academic year.Thenthe departmentchoseitasa bestpracticeandintroducedthistoallclasses fromthe academic year2023-2024

AcashawardofRs.500isgiventothestudentwhoachieves the highestperformanceininternalas wellas externalexams intheacademic year.

EvidenceofSuccess:Theawardsarepublicizedbytheteachers,incourseoftheirregulardeliveryof the curriculum. The target is thus set for the high performers to win the award. Students feelencouraged to compete for the top position and excel in their studies. It is seen that the students themselvescome forward and seek the guidance of their mentors and teachers in their quest for the award.Achievements of the students are not reflected only in the Awards in the College but as winners ofmany accolades. Every student feels that he or he should also be one day awarded as the best outgoingstudent. Every student thus tries to participate in multiple activities and be at the forefront, creating ahealthy spirit of competition, benevolently overseen by mentors, teachers, and Cell coordinators. Shystudents have been seen to become active, outspoken, and bold leaders throughout their tenure in College.The function is held in the spacious College Auditorium, which is always full to its capacity for thisprogramme


Problems Encountered and Resources Required: No major obstacles have ever been faced inthe implementation of this best practice. It has been going on in a smooth, efficient, and well-plannedmanner. For this practice, funds are required for the award of a cash prize to the students who haveattainedexcellencein theiracademics.