News & Events

Career Guidance Cell

S.No Name of the Activity Link
1.  Internship and Employability Skills  Click here
2.  Student Induction Programme  Click here
3.  Career Counselling  Click here
4.  OL & LRSW  Click here
5.  Career Planning and Guidance  Click here



Coordinator      : Dr. A. V. V. V. Malleswaramma Lecturer in English

Members            : Smt. Y. Sunitha                            Lecturer in English

                               Smt. C. Ratna Mary                     Lecturer in Mathematics

                               Sri. D. Suresh                               JKC Full Time Mentor


  1. To support the students in acquiring and developing Soft skills and Communication Skills.
  2. To create awareness on Job Skills and Competitive Exams.
  3. To enhance awareness on Job opportunities and help students in opting the right career path depending on their educational qualifications and Professional skills.
  4. The Counselling programmes are qualitative and quantitative assessment of the knowledge, skills, information and etc to identify career options available to the students.
  5. The Career Guidance Cell counsels and prepares students to meet their future challenges in Job Opportunities.
  6. To alert students by forwarding various job notifications, notifications of various CETs and quality enhancement programmes.



  1. Determines strengths, interests and values of the students.
  2. Sets directions and goals.
  3. Categorizes opportunities and preferences.
  4. Improves Career grounding and management.



Our college Career Guidance Cell and Political Science Department Jointly organized an Awareness Programme on Career Guidance on 16 December 2021.  Our Principal Dr S.Madhavi, speaking on this, explained the students about the upcoming difficulties that are ahead after they get graduated.  She cautioned that acquiring degree isn’t the same as what it used to be many years ago.  She stressed the importance of setting up Personal goals in life. The Guest of Honour Sri.Juvvanapudi Mahesh I.P.S took over the dais and inspired all the young minds with a detailed discussion on the abundance of opportunities and career options they can choose from Science, Commerce and Arts.  He emphasized that career decision is one of the most significant decision in one’s life. An open questioning session was held in the end to resolve all the queries in the minds of students. The event created awareness and enriched knowledge among young aspiring minds.



On 23d February 2022, JKC/ Career Guidance Cell of the college organized a program on Career Guidance and Entrepreneurship Skills for the first and second year students from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. in the college new library hall.  Smt. Gayathri Sridhar, CCE Consultant acted as resource person to this program. In this lively, interactive session, Gayathri Sridhar focused on time management, goal setting, life planning, women empowerment and self-employment opportunities. She discussed with students about their future targets and their present day requirements. The program was chaired by our College Principal Dr S. Madhavi supported by Smt. K R Manjula, Academic coordinator and Dr L.V.Krishna Rao, 1QAC coordinator.  Later in the afternoon session Smt. Gayathri Sridhar interacted with the teaching faculty and discussed various methodologies and strategies being employed in the teaching learning process for undergraduate students. She also suggested the staff members to employ more student centric and activity based methods in order to overcome the monotony of traditional teaching methods.



The college Career Guidance Cell, Jawahar Knowledge Center in association with 1QAC organized an Awareness Programme on Career Planning and Guidance for the final year students on 18th April 2022. Speaking on this occasion, our Principal Dr.S.Madhavi said that ‘Career guidance and counseling programs help individuals acquire the knowledge, Skills and experience that is necessary to identity options explore alternatives and succeed in society’.  The resource persons Dr.D.S B.Bharathi,  Principal MBA studies from The Hindu college, Machilipatnam and her team Dr.Shefaly and Sri K KVP. Diwakar interacted with the students and explained them in detail how to explore their career options, the need to analyze their Strengths and weaknesses, the importance of setting a clear objective and the things that are need to be taken care of while choosing their career. They advised the students to select the course that provides several career options not just one. At the end, they conducted a mock test where the qualified candidates will be given free ICET coaching.